
Managing Stress at the Start of the School Year: Strategies for College Students

September 17, 2024 by Steve Suntala

Starting a new semester can feel like stepping onto a treadmill set just a little too fast. You’re off and running and–whoa! 

Whether it’s your first year on campus or you’re juggling work and school, it’s easy to get overwhelmed. The coursework piles up, social life gets hectic, and let’s not forget managing those finances. Sound familiar? You’re not alone. Stress is a part of college life, but managing it effectively is the key to thriving at school.

Let’s dive into some real-world strategies to keep that stress in check. If you want to learn more about the services we offer for students in the Columbus area, read more about our Columbus-area location.

Spot the Stressors Before They Pile Up

It’s not a mystery where most of the stress comes from: academic pressure, social adjustments, financial strain, and the classic, juggling-time-like-a-circus-act problem. To some degree, these challenges never really let up, which makes college a very appropriate training ground for the rest of life. 

Knowing what’s weighing you down is the first step to getting on top of it. You can’t tackle what you can’t name, right?

Write in a journal and track your daily ups and downs. What’s going well? What’s causing you angst? By monitoring the flow of the week, you’ll have a much better chance of getting out in front of those tough sources of pressure when they inevitably arise next week.

Time Management Is Your Best Friend

Managing time well isn’t just about getting more done—it’s about easing the pressure on yourself. Block out study time, plan your deadlines in advance, and break things down into bite-sized tasks. 

At the Ohio State University, for instance, the Dennis Learning Center has got your back with workshops and one-on-one coaching to make time management feel a whole lot less painful.

Tip: Start small. A planner, a Google Calendar, or even a basic pen-and-paper to-do list can do wonders. Use what works for you. Don’t try to go from zero to superhero overnight.

Get Balanced Before You Burn Out

College isn’t just about the books. Balance is critical, and that means taking care of yourself beyond the classroom. 

Get moving—whether it’s hitting the gym, signing up for an intramural sport, or even just taking a quick walk around campus. 

Sleep is non-negotiable, so aim for those seven to nine solid hours to keep your brain sharp. And no, chips and caffeine won’t cut it for fuel. Make sure you’re eating meals that actually give you energy.

Tip: Schedule self-care into your day like it’s a class you can’t miss. Whether it’s exercise, hanging out with friends, or catching up on Netflix—balance is key. Normalize this quick scheduling process, and it will soon become a good habit. Overlook this process, however, and you run the risk of always pushing self-care to the backburner. 

Tap Into Mental Health Resources Early

Feeling overwhelmed? Don’t wait until you’re at breaking point. OSU’s Counseling and Consultation Services offers everything from one-on-one counseling to group therapy; other universities typically offer similar services. This is a free option, it’s confidential, and it could be exactly what you need to take the edge off.

Tip: Even if you’re not in crisis, booking a session to talk about how to manage stress can make all the difference. Think of it as mental maintenance.

Practice Mindfulness—Yes, It Works

Mindfulness isn’t just a trendy buzzword. Whether it’s deep breathing, meditation, or taking a few moments to yourself, it helps ground you when everything feels like it’s spinning out of control. OSU’s Mindfulness in Motion program makes it easy to incorporate this into your day-to-day.

Tip: Use free apps like Calm or Headspace for quick meditations between classes. Even five minutes can help clear your head.

Build a Support Network That’s Got Your Back

College is tough, but it’s easier when you’ve got a squad. Whether it’s joining a club, connecting with roommates, or hitting up study groups, being around people who get it helps. 

OSU has over 1,400 student organizations—chances are you’ll find your people.

Tip: Check out the student org fairs and dive into something that matches your interests. It’s an easy way to build connections that last beyond your time at school.

Know When to Call in Reinforcements

If you’re constantly stressed, feeling down, or noticing that your mental health is spiraling, don’t tough it out alone. OSU’s Student Life Health Services is here to help. Early intervention is key to preventing burnout or worse, so don’t hesitate to reach out.

The Bottom Line

College is stressful—it’s part of the deal. But it doesn’t have to take over your life. 

With the right tools, a little planning, and some serious self-care, you can manage the pressure and still enjoy the ride. OSU’s resources are built to help you thrive, so don’t let them go to waste. Get ahead of the stress, lean on your support system, and make this semester your best one yet.

At New Pathways Clinic our heartfelt mission is to establish a holistic mental wellness campus that touches the lives of individuals in the greater Cleveland, Columbus, and Cincinnati regions. We are dedicated to combining state-of-the-art mental health treatments, like Ketamine therapy infusions and Spravato nasal spray, with the expertise of compassionate mental health professionals to treat depression, anxiety, PTSD, migraines, and bipolar disorder.

Our unwavering commitment drives us to continuously evolve and adapt as the scientific landscape of ketamine research expands and diversifies, leading to innovative mental health treatments. We are determined to pave the way for a healthier future for Cleveland, central Ohio, and southern Ohio.

New Pathways Clinic also offers Semaglutide & Tirzepatide weight-loss shots, ketamine-assisted psychotherapy, and  ketamine/Spravato support groups for patients.

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