The Basics of Ketamine Therapy
Before diving into any new form of therapy, it’s important to make sure you know exactly what it involves and that you get the greenlight from your primary physician ahead of time. As ketamine therapy is skyrocketing in mainstream popularity, here’s everything you need to know about the chemical that’s changing the game for those suffering from treatment-resistant depression and several other mental health conditions.
What is Ketamine?
Synthesized in the 1960s as a general anesthetic and approved by the FDA a decade later, Ketamine is a drug that works by blocking the activity of glutamate, which activates the NMDA receptor. This NMDA receptor is found in the peripheral nervous system as well as in the central terminal of primary afferent neurons and is known to increase brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF).
Increases in BDNF result in increased neurogenesis and neuroplasticity which helps those with depression to restore their neuronal activity and synaptic strength in the prefrontal cortex – ultimately repairing and restoring their brain back to a healthier state. For more on how ketamine works, you can check out our page on ketamine here.
While it was traditionally used for sedation and pain control in operating rooms and even as an animal tranquilizer in veterinary medicine during its earlier days, ketamine is now used to treat those with treatment-resistant depression, post-traumatic stress disorder, anxiety disorders, bipolar disorder and even migraines.
What Happens During Ketamine Therapy?
Ketamine affects multiple areas of the brain. While it can be administered in a few different ways, the most effective delivery system is through intravenous (IV) infusions.
Ketamine infusions are a medical procedure provided by a team of trained professionals and are administered over the course of 45-60 minutes, in a controlled and comfortable environment.
For some patients, infusions are a temporary treatment to help them break free of patterns of suffering and to set them on the path to mental wellness. Others find value in continuing ketamine treatments regularly by getting a single booster infusion every 1-6 months, in order to maintain maximum relief of symptoms.
If ketamine therapy interests you, please speak with your primary care provider. For an idea of whether or not ketamine is right for you, you can take our easy quiz here.
Ketamine Therapy at New Pathways Clinic in Cleveland
If you or a loved one suffers from any of the ailments mentioned in this post, ketamine therapy may be the right option for you. Our team of medical professionals is not only certified to help you along on your healing journey, but are eager to help you get started towards a better quality of life. Instead of just surviving, life should be about living to the fullest, and at New Pathways Clinic in Cleveland, that’s exactly what we strive for each day with our patients! Please fill-out the form here for a free consultation or contact us for more information today.