

Discover Lasting Relief from Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder with Ketamine Infusions

If you’re one of the many individuals in Ohio struggling with obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD), you know how challenging it can be to find effective treatment. Traditional therapies and medications may not always provide the relief you need. At New Pathways Clinic, with locations in Cleveland, Columbus, and Cincinnati, we offer ketamine infusion therapy as an innovative approach to managing OCD symptoms.

Male College Student Meeting With Campus Counselor Discussing Mental Health Issues

How Does Ketamine Work for OCD?

Ketamine targets the glutamatergic system, a key player in the brain’s OCD mechanism. By correcting glutamate imbalances, ketamine infusions can:

  • Diminish the power and prevalence of obsessive thoughts and compulsive rituals
  • Elevate mood and alleviate accompanying symptoms such as depression and anxiety
  • Boost the impact of therapy by fostering receptivity to change
  • Deliver swift relief, typically within mere hours or days post-treatment
  • Provide enduring benefits that can last for weeks or even months after a series of infusions

The Science of Ketamine for OCD

Using Ketamine to treat OCD is a novel treatment, with an ongoing body of research. Dozens of studies are currently underway to better understand how ketamine can best be leveraged to treat OCD and to understand how it works. Existing research suggests that relief of OCD symptoms via Ketamine can be both rapid and complete. The known downside is that remissions tend to max out at three weeks without coinciding breakthroughs in talk therapy. The positive news is that the remission of symptoms can be maintained with additional booster ketamine infusions every 2−3 weeks.

Even if OCD symptom relief is short-lived, it can give patients an important sense of what “normal” feels like. One study reported that after a ketamine infusion, patients were quoted as saying “I tried to have OCD thoughts, but I couldn’t” and “I feel as if the weight of OCD has been lifted … I want to feel this way forever.” Such clarity can be motivating in treatment, especially for combined therapy and medication.

In this trial, the 10 patients enrolled received a single IV infusion of ketamine (0.5 mg/kg) over a 40 minute period. A significant and acute response was seen in OCD symptoms 1 to 3 hours following the administration of ketamine and persisted for 1 to 3 days according to the Yale-Brown Obsessive Compulsive Scale (YBOCS). These reports suggest potential rapid antiobsessional effects of ketamine in OCD, but also a lack of extended therapeutic response when used alone.

In summary the medical community finds that effective conjunctive talk therapy is a critical component for extending the profound symptom relief Ketamine can offer for OCD symptoms. New Pathways Clinic’s partner Stella Luna Counseling and Wellness offers Ketamine-Assisted Psychotherapy and Psychotherapy specifically for OCD that is recommend in conjunction with the treatments.

Young female doctor measuring waist of overweight man with centimeter in clinic

Why Choose New Pathways Clinic for Ketamine OCD Treatment in Ohio?

At New Pathways Clinic, we are dedicated to providing the highest quality care for our patients in Cleveland, Columbus, Cincinnati, and throughout Ohio. Our experienced team offers:

  • Safe and effective ketamine infusions administered in a controlled medical setting
  • Personalized treatment plans tailored to each patient’s needs and goals
  • A calming and supportive environment to promote comfort during treatment
  • Ketamine-assisted psychotherapy to enhance the therapeutic effects

“Recent data suggest that ketamine, given intravenously, might be the most important breakthrough in antidepressant treatment in decades.”

– Thomas Insel, MD

Ketamine treatment breaks up the rigidity of the negative thoughts and patterns of behavior that have been entrenched in people from long bouts of depression.

Ketamine infusion treatments have been found to increase hope and optimism within those suffering from treatment-resistant depression. This combination has a cascading effect that continues to work in the brain well after the medicine has left the system. This is a breakthrough property that provides a new type of relief free from daily usage or tapering.

Worried woman surviving her problem with depression.

Is Ketamine Infusion Therapy Right for Your OCD?

If you’re ready to break free from the grip of OCD, New Pathways Clinic is here to help. With locations in Cleveland, Columbus, and Cincinnati, we make it convenient for Ohio residents to access this revolutionary treatment. Contact us today to schedule a free consultation and learn more about ketamine infusions for OCD.


Check out the FAQ’s or learn more about us here.
Also, feel free to contact us anytime with any questions you may have.


OCD and Ketamine Infusions FAQs

  • What potential side effects are associated with ketamine infusions, and how are they handled?
  • How many ketamine infusion sessions are typically necessary to achieve the best results?
  • Can ketamine be used in tandem with medication and psychotherapy for a holistic approach?
  • How long can one expect the effects of ketamine infusions to last, and are maintenance treatments needed?
  • What do patients say about their ketamine treatments for OCD?
What potential side effects are associated with ketamine infusions, and how are they handled?

Research and our personal experience from performing thousands of ketamine infusions have found that common short-term side effects are tiredness, confusion, dizziness, and nausea that rarely last longer than the day of the treatment. Less commonly, patients can experience headaches, anxiety, and a prolonged dissociative state beyond the treatment.

Our staff of medical professionals are able to quickly address and help alleviate side effects. The most common side effect, nausea, is effectively treated with an anti-nausea medication, such as Zofran. Learn more about preparing for a ketamine infusion.

How many ketamine infusion sessions are typically necessary to achieve the best results?

Ketamine for OCD is unique in that alleviation is often almost instant, being felt within a few hours of treatment in many cases. However; each person’s experience will vary. The recommendation to achieve a maximum length remission of OCD symptoms is 6 infusion sessions over 3 weeks. A maintenance schedule is recommended for OCD, as well as combining it with standard talk therapy or ketamine-assisted psychotherapy.

It is worth noting that ketamine cannot ‘cure’ OCD, nothing can. Ketamine is best thought of as providing rapid and significant alleviation, and when combined with psychotherapy and maintenance can greatly diminish its effects. Read more about how ketamine works.

Can ketamine be used in tandem with medication and psychotherapy for a holistic approach?

Yes. There are very few contraindications for ketamine with other medications, one of our highly trained medical professionals can advise each patient on their unique situation. Psychotherapy is always recommended in conjunction with ketamine for the best possible results and symptom alleviation.

How long can one expect the effects of ketamine infusions to last, and are maintenance treatments needed?

The effects vary person to person. The best available studies show ketamine is rapid acting in alleviation of strong OCD symptoms and thoughts, but those are short-lived. Current research suggests 1-3 weeks of alleviation, and then symptoms begin to return. Combining ketamine treatments with therapy is the best course of action. Booster treatments are also recommended at a cadence developed between the patient and Nurse Practitioner.

What do patients say about their ketamine treatments for OCD?

One study reported that after a ketamine infusion, patients were quoted as saying “I tried to have OCD thoughts, but I couldn’t” and “I feel as if the weight of OCD has been lifted … I want to feel this way forever.” Such clarity can be motivating in treatment, especially for combined therapy and medication.

OCD is a condition that is often a lifelong struggle for patients. Although Ketamine treatments are not a cure, the profound relief of symptoms, even if temporary, can be a profound tool for breakthroughs in therapy and a beacon of hope in their healing path. Read some of our patient testimonials.

Take the First Step Toward OCD Relief

Don’t let OCD myths and misconceptions hold you back from seeking the help you deserve. The knowledgeable team at New Pathways Clinic is dedicated to supporting you on your path to healing and recovery. Reach out today to discover more about ketamine for OCD and book your free consultation.

At New Pathways Clinic our heartfelt mission is to establish a holistic mental wellness campus that touches the lives of individuals in the greater Cleveland, Columbus, and Cincinnati regions. We are dedicated to combining state-of-the-art mental health treatments, like Ketamine therapy infusions and Spravato nasal spray, with the expertise of compassionate mental health professionals to treat depression, anxiety, PTSD, migraines, and bipolar disorder.

Our unwavering commitment drives us to continuously evolve and adapt as the scientific landscape of ketamine research expands and diversifies, leading to innovative mental health treatments. We are determined to pave the way for a healthier future for Cleveland, central Ohio, and southern Ohio.

New Pathways Clinic also offers Semaglutide & Tirzepatide weight-loss shots, ketamine-assisted psychotherapy, and  ketamine/Spravato support groups for patients.

Keep In Touch

Stay informed on ketamine treatments, Spravato, and mental-health wellness at New Pathways Clinic in Cleveland via our free newsletter.

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