
Ketamine Treatments Are Going Mainstream

November 2, 2022 by Steve Suntala

Alternative medicines don’t tend to be widely accepted among the mainstream medical community due to their unconventional approaches. However, there is one new therapy option that’s been blurring the lines between traditional and alternative medical practices: ketamine.

What initially started as an anesthetic and sedation medication, has worked its way into the mainstream psychiatric community. Mainly due to its overwhelmingly positive results as a mental health treatment, and the FDA’s approval of Spravato (Esketamine) in 2019.

Ketamine treatments are an ideal alternative for those suffering from a treatment-resistant mental health condition. Continue reading below to learn more about the two types of ketamine treatments offered at New Pathways Clinic in Cleveland, Ohio.

Ketamine Infusions

Ketamine IV infusions are intravenous and administered over a 40-minute period at New Pathways Clinic, with each appointment lasting between 90 and 120 Minutes. There are six ketamine IVs given over 2-3 weeks in a typical course of treatment, with maintenance booster infusions preferred by most patients afterwards. The frequency of the boosters depends on the strength and length of the patient’s response to the ketamine infusions. The schedule varies from once a month to two times a year.

Here are the treatment-resistant conditions that are eligible to be treated by ketamine IV infusions currently:

  • Major Depressive Disorder
  • Treatment Resistant Depression
  • PTSD
  • Anxiety Disorders
  • Bipolar Disorder
  • Substance Abuse

Spravato Nasal Spray

Unlike ketamine infusions, Spravato is self-administered by the patient in two to three intranasal sprays administered in five-minute increments. It is the perfect alternative for patients who would prefer to avoid an IV, or who live with Trypanophobia—an extreme fear of needles.

A typical Spravato appointment at New Pathways last 2.5 hours, and the overall schedule for administering Spravato works like this:

  • Weeks 1 to 4: Spravato is administered twice a week, eight times in total.
  • Weeks 5 to 8: One treatment weekly, 4 times total.
  • Week 9 and after: One treatment every 2 weeks or as needed, depending on the patients’ response.

Unlike intravenous ketamine treatments, Spravato has only been FDA-approved to treat major depressive disorder and acute suicidality. It also must be administered in combination with an oral antidepressant, whereas IV treatments can be given by themselves without any other medications, or while taking any psychiatric medication.

Ketamine Treatments at New Pathways Clinic in Cleveland

If you or a loved one are suffering from treatment-resistant depression or another mental health condition listed above, New Pathways Clinic is a potent, positive option. Whether you are looking to start treatment or have questions about our process, our team of medical experts is here to help. Contact us today by filling out this form to get started. We look forward to helping you to heal!

At New Pathways Clinic our heartfelt mission is to establish a holistic mental wellness campus that touches the lives of individuals in the greater Cleveland, Columbus, and Cincinnati regions. We are dedicated to combining state-of-the-art mental health treatments, like Ketamine therapy infusions and Spravato nasal spray, with the expertise of compassionate mental health professionals to treat depression, anxiety, PTSD, migraines, and bipolar disorder.

Our unwavering commitment drives us to continuously evolve and adapt as the scientific landscape of ketamine research expands and diversifies, leading to innovative mental health treatments. We are determined to pave the way for a healthier future for Cleveland, central Ohio, and southern Ohio.

New Pathways Clinic also offers Semaglutide & Tirzepatide weight-loss shots, ketamine-assisted psychotherapy, and  ketamine/Spravato support groups for patients.

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